
Where else can you find a television show with centerfold men who expose their dating finesse, their bodies, and their truths, coupled with the real women who can’t get enough of these men…other than Gigolos Showtime?! This groundbreaking television series exposes all of these things and more. It airs on Showtime, with Season Six due for release soon!

Women of the most relatable kind, the types who we all know and meet in our everyday lives, hook up with Gigolos, who work with the esteemed Cowboys 4 Angels male companion agency. Cowboys 4 Angels is, of course, the best agency pairing women with straight men who provide a special, romantic experience. Garren James is the owner of the agency featured on this hit show. The women pay to share time with the gorgeous and chivalrous men while the audience watches the dating fun unfold. Each episode invokes raw emotion. You feel excitement, empathy, suspense, nostalgia, fondness, and humor. You would be hard-pressed not to find yourself feeling libidinous as a voyeur into the dates.

All the Gigolos are beautiful. Nick Hawk, Bradley Lords, Vin Armani and Ash Armand and Brace have striking features and their bodies are sculpted. Their personalities vary, which brings part of the spice to the show. But, all of them have a flair for charming women in subtle ways. They have a gift of catering to the wants and needs of the women in ways that make each woman feel special and unique. To watch the show is to fall for the men. You may develop a crush on one more than the other. But, in reality, you’d probably be smitten by any of them.

The women reveal their inner wants and needs. They honestly share what they seek from the experience with their Gigolo. Some of the women want their encounters to be light and fun. Others want to heal themselves. While still others are looking for adventure. In any situation, viewers learn a part of what drives each individual woman, all of whom are relatable in many ways.
Part of what makes Gigolos Showtime so one-of-a-kind is the way in which the men bend over backward (sometimes literally!) to please their women clients. Each Gigolo is gifted in his ability to morph his personality to fit a woman’s specific requests while still remaining true to his natural self. The men truly possess talent and a genuine passion for filling women’s desires.

The series is flat-out hot! It sizzles with sexual tension and drips with sexual exploration as many of the couples find themselves sexually intertwined. The sex scenes are scorching hot because they are so real. Hearing the women react to their Gigolos inspires any woman viewer to want a piece for herself! Viewers see the Gigolos through the women’s eyes and imagine feeling their bodies the way the women do.

The show reveals a number of realities. It blows the cover off so many myths about sex and sexuality. It debunks theories about women and their romantic needs as it demonstrates strong, independent women seeking out romance in their lives. It removes the stigma about calling a male companion. It also provides a deep introspection into the dynamics of being a Gigolo. Many people probably assume their jobs are simple because they are living out most guys’ dreams. And, to be sure, these men do love their jobs and are so appreciative for their role in the lives of women. However, the show sheds light on the vast amounts of hard work the Gigolos dedicate toward their job. They are fighters in the gym and often times work hard to pursue other business ventures or creative goals. The show also humanizes the Gigolos by showing that they, too, navigate personal challenges with their families and their personal relationships. It does this by sometimes introducing the viewers to the other people in their lives. The men are dynamic. Behind the scenes they reveal some of their more vulnerable, introspective moments. These tender interludes paint a picture for the viewer about the Gigolos, who, ultimately, remain completely present and attentive to their clients, regardless of their personal matters. They are the ultimate gentleman at all times and bring an upbeat demeanor to their clients.

Viewers see the men socialize with each other at the bar, at the gym, and by the pool. Although such scenes also unveil some softer emotions they often provide copious amounts of laughter. These guys are hilarious! They joke around with each other because they know and respect each other so well.

Perhaps one of the best elements of Gigolos Showtime is all the fun. Viewers get to watch the Gigolos interact in a diverse variety of set-ups and scenarios. They virtually go to all ends of the earth to fulfill their clients’ wishes. For instance, upon a client’s request, one Gigolo played the role of a police officer who arrested the woman for a traffic violation. The wonderful Gigolo did an amazing job at creating the reality for her, down to his costume and even his “cop car!” Viewers could see him speed by with the flashing lights and sirens, which was downright comical (and very convincing!). Another Gigolo enacted, to fill a client’s request, a vampire scene, replete with costume and even… a dark, scary room with a coffin. The woman absolutely loved it and he totally owned the role. In sum, the Gigolos all have this capacity to impeccably role-play, keyed to the women’s desires, and make you feel like you’re watching live theater!

Gigolos Showtime is special for so many reasons. It showcases the trials and tribulations of real people living their real lives. It gives viewers an opportunity to peer into the unique lifestyles of Nick Hawk, Bradley Lords, Vin Armani and Ash Armand, Brace and Garren James and to see women in their most vulnerable and most powerful positions.

Showtime brings some of the most cutting edge, fabulous television series to us. Gigolos Showtime is an excellent example of this market success. Go to to find other “Ways to Watch” this fantastic show!

Straight Elite Male Companions for Women